Saturday 28 July 2007


I used Gentium font to create new the Lord of the Rings

Thursday 26 July 2007

Cool summer

I don't know the name of this picture, but in my opinion I call it is cool summer. Firstly, when i saw this image, behind of girl's body attract my view, it show me some feeling the weather is very hot, because she is wearing the bikini, I'm not sure in front of her is the sea or river but I can understand that she feel very hot and she want to go to the sea (or river) to swim so she wear bikini to enjoy the cool water and take away the hot feeling. However, every feeling also begin of our mind. So the artist didn't show the head of the girl, and replace with something is like butterfly, speaker, flower, and we can see a deer above the flower, Do you see the bird on the sky ? My feeling in all of those thing are lightly, relax, freedom, I'm standing on a top of feeling, I'm enjoying a great holiday. In all thing i saw on the image, I think this is a advertise of new product of speaker, I think it's new because some paint is still wet and it drop down on the back of the girl, it tell me that this is just completed and the paint still wet. In this advertise, showed me that use this speaker, I will forget the hot weather in summer, I will feel cool weather, I will have comfortable when use it.

Monday 9 July 2007


Line is a basic element in design, line was not only straight line, but it consisted many type of line such curve, Z line, and the line represented many type in many respect. For long time ago, line was used popularly in society form picture in caves to documentation represent journeys of history for many year ago, the most use line to store and communicate information.

Furthermore, first lesson of painting is always using of line. Line was such tool for formating idea in mind, everything was started by line and when a picture was finished completely, is also connection of many line complete.
In Chinese and Egyptian ancient language, characteristic of line was also represented clearly.
Today, line also use in our life often, such plate on the street or when something is banned we always see this sign
With a circle line and a straight line in the center, viewer can understand that that was banned don't do that. The line just a connect of 2 docs but it can make many meaning in our life from before and until now. Line is basic but it never is old and line is always begin for everything.
reference on A History of Graphic Design of Philip B.Meggs